TopNotch 1B

TopNotch 1B:

Unit 6, Preview, Pg. 062, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 6, Preview, Pg. 063, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 6, Lesson 1, Pg. 064, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 6, Lesson 1, Pg. 064, Ex. B Pronunciation
Unit 6, Lesson 1, Pg. 065, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 6, Lesson 1, Pg. 065, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 6, Lesson 2, Pg. 066, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 6, Lesson 2, Pg. 066, Frequency Adverbs
Unit 6, Lesson 2, Pg. 067, Ex. C Listen to Activate Grammar
Unit 6, Lesson 2, Pg. 067, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 6, Lesson 2, Pg. 067, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 6, Lesson 3, Pg. 068, Ex. A Listen for Main Ideas
Unit 6, Lesson 3, Pg. 068, Ex. B Listen for Details
Unit 6, Lesson 3, Pg. 068, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 6, Lesson 4, Pg. 070, Reading
Unit 6, Review, Pg. 072, Ex. A Listen to the conversations
Top Notch Pop Song, "A Typical Day"
Top Notch Pop Song, "A Typical Day", Karaoke Version
Unit 7, Preview, Pg. 075, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 7, Lesson 1, Pg. 076, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 7, Lesson 1, Pg. 076, Ex. A Intensifiers
Unit 7, Lesson 1, Pg. 077, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 7, Lesson 1, Pg. 077, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 7, Lesson 1, Pg. 077, Ex. A Decline Help / Accept Help
Unit 7, Lesson 2, Pg. 078, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 7, Lesson 2, Pg. 078, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 7, Lesson 2, Pg. 078, Ex. A Some Irregular Verbs
Unit 7, Lesson 2, Pg. 079, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 7, Lesson 2, Pg. 079, Ex. B Pronunciation
Unit 7, Lesson 3, Pg. 080, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 7, Lesson 3, Pg. 080, Reading
Unit 7, Lesson 4, Pg. 082, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 7, Lesson 4, Pg. 083, Ex. A Listen for Main Ideas
Unit 7, Lesson 4, Pg. 083, Ex. B Listen for Details
Unit 7, Review, Pg. 084, Ex. A Listen to each person
Unit 7, Review, Pg. 084, Ex. B Listen again
Top Notch Pop Song, "My Dream Vacation"
Top Notch Pop Song, "My Dream Vacation", Karaoke Version
Unit 8, Preview, Pg. 086, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 8, Preview, Pg. 087, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 8, Lesson 1, Pg. 088, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 8, Lesson 1, Pg. 089, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 8, Lesson 1, Pg. 089, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 8, Lesson 1, Pg. 089, Ex. A Responses
Unit 8, Lesson 2, Pg. 090, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 8, Lesson 2, Pg. 090, Ex. B Listen to Infer
Unit 8, Lesson 2, Pg. 090, Spelling Rules
Unit 8, Lesson 2, Pg. 090, Irregular Forms
Unit 8, Lesson 2, Pg. 091, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 8, Lesson 2, Pg. 091, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 8, Lesson 3, Pg. 092, Vocabulary
Unit 8, Lesson 3, Pg. 092, Prepositions of Interior Location
Unit 8, Lesson 3, Pg. 092, Ex. A Understand Locations and Directions
Unit 8, Lesson 3, Pg. 093, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 8, Lesson 4, Pg. 094, Vocabulary
Unit 8, Lesson 4, Pg. 094, Reading
Unit 8, Review, Pg. 096, Ex. A Listen to the conversations
Top Notch Pop Song, "Anything Goes"
Top Notch Pop Song, "Anything Goes", Karaoke Version
Unit 9, Preview, Pg. 099, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 9, Lesson 1, Pg. 100, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 9, Lesson 1, Pg. 101, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 9, Lesson 1, Pg. 101, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 9, Lesson 1, Pg. 101, Ex. A Ways to Express Disappointment
Unit 9, Lesson 2, Pg. 102, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 9, Lesson 2, Pg. 103, Ex. B Listen to Infer
Unit 9, Lesson 2, Pg. 103, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 9, Lesson 2, Pg. 103, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 9, Lesson 3, Pg. 104, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 9, Lesson 3, Pg. 104, Ex. A Some Flight Problems
Unit 9, Lesson 3, Pg. 104, Ex. A Listen for Details
Unit 9, Lesson 3, Pg. 105, Ex. B Listen to Understand Announcements
Unit 9, Lesson 3, Pg. 105, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 9, Lesson 3, Pg. 105 Ex. A Read and listen to the announcement
Unit 9, Lesson 4, Pg. 106, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 9, Lesson 4, Pg. 106, Ex. B Listen to Activate Vocabulary
Unit 9, Lesson 4, Pg. 106, Reading
Unit 9, Review, Pg. 108, Ex. A It's 7:26 a.m. now
Top Notch Pop Song, "Five Hundred Ways"
Top Notch Pop Song, "Five Hundred Ways", Karaoke Version
Unit 10, Preview, Pg. 110, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 10, Preview, Pg. 111, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 10, Lesson 1, Pg. 112, Grammar
Unit 10, Lesson 1, Pg. 112, Irregular Forms
Unit 10, Lesson 1, Pg. 113, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 10, Lesson 1, Pg. 113, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 10, Lesson 2, Pg. 114, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 10, Lesson 2, Pg. 114, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 10, Lesson 2, Pg. 115, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 10, Lesson 2, Pg. 115, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 10, Lesson 2, Pg. 115, Ex. B Listen for Details
Unit 10, Lesson 3, Pg. 116, Reading
Unit 10, Lesson 4, Pg. 118, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 10, Lesson 4, Pg. 118, Ex. A Listen for Main Ideas
Unit 10, Lesson 4, Pg. 118, Ex. B Listen for Details
Unit 10, Review, Pg. 120, Ex. A Listen to each conversation
Top Notch Pop Song, "Shopping for Souvenirs"
Top Notch Pop Song, "Shopping for Souvenirs", Karaoke Version