TopNotch 3A

TopNotch 3A:

Unit 1, Lesson 0, Pg. 003, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 1, Lesson 1, Pg. 004, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 1, Lesson 1, Pg. 004, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 1, Lesson 1, Pg. 004, Ex. A Asking about proper address
Unit 1, Lesson 1, Pg. 005, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 1, Lesson 1, Pg. 005, Ex. B Pronunciation
Unit 1, Lesson 2, Pg. 007, Ex. Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 1, Lesson 2, Pg. 007, Ex. B Rhythm and intonation
Unit 1, Lesson 2, Pg. 007, Intensifiers
Unit 1, Lesson 3, Pg. 008, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 1, Lesson 3, Pg. 008, Ex. A Listen for main ideas
Unit 1, Lesson 3, Pg. 008, Ex. B Listen to summarize
Unit 1, Lesson 4, Pg. 010, Reading
Unit 1, Lesson 5, Pg. 012, Ex. A Listen to the conversations
Top Notch Pop Song, "It's a Great Day for Love"
Top Notch Pop Song, "It's a Great Day for Love", Karaoke Version
Unit 2, Lesson 0, Pg. 015, Ex. B Photo Story
Unit 2, Lesson 1, Pg. 016, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 2, Lesson 1, Pg. 016, Ex. C Listen to activate vocabulary
Unit 2, Lesson 1, Pg. 016, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 2, Lesson 1, Pg. 017, Ex. A Conversation Model
Unit 2, Lesson 1, Pg. 017, Ex. B Rhythm and intonation
Unit 2, Lesson 2, Pg. 018, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 2, Lesson 2, Pg. 019, Ex. A Conversation model
Unit 2, Lesson 2, Pg. 019, Ex. B, Rhythm and intonation
Unit 2, Lesson 3, Pg. 020, Reading
Unit 2, Lesson 4, Pg. 022, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 2, Lesson 4, Pg. 022, Medicine label information
Unit 2, Lesson 4, Pg. 022, Ex. A Listen to activate vocabulary
Unit 2, Lesson 4, Pg. 023, Ex. B Listen for details
Unit 2, Lesson 5, Pg. 024, Ex. A Listen to each conversation
Top Notch Pop Song, "X-Ray My Heart"
Top Notch Pop Song, "X-Ray My Heart", Karaoke Version
Unit 3, Lesson 0, Pg. 027, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 3, Lesson 1, Pg. 028, Ex. A Conversation model
Unit 3, Lesson 1, Pg. 028, Ex. B Rhythm and intonation
Unit 3, Lesson 1, Pg. 028, Ways to indicate acceptance
Unit 3, Lesson 1, Pg. 029, Ex. D Listen to activate grammar
Unit 3, Lesson 2, Pg. 030, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 3, Lesson 2, Pg. 031, Ex. C Listen to activate vocabulary and grammar
Unit 3, Lesson 2, Pg. 031, Ex. A Conversation model
Unit 3, Lesson 2, Pg. 031, Ex. B Rhythm and Intonation
Unit 3, Lesson 3, Pg. 032, Reading
Unit 3, Lesson 3, Pg. 033, Pronunciation
Unit 3, Lesson 4, Pg. 034, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 3, Lesson 4, Pg. 034, Ex. A Listen to confirm
Unit 3, Lesson 4, Pg. 034, Ex. B Listen for main ideas
Unit 3, Lesson 5, Pg. 036, Ex. A Listen to each conversation
Top Notch Pop Song, "I'll Get Back to You"
minate_check_box Top Notch Pop Song, "I'll Get Back to You", Karaoke Version
Unit 4, Lesson 0, Pg. 038, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 4, Lesson 0, Pg. 039, Ex. C Photo Story
Unit 4, Lesson 1, Pg. 040, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 4, Lesson 1, Pg. 041, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 4, Lesson 1, Pg. 041, Ex. A Conversation model
Unit 4, Lesson 1, Pg. 041, Ex. B Rhythm and intonation
Unit 4, Lesson 2, Pg. 042, Ex. A Conversation model
Unit 4, Lesson 2, Pg. 042, Ex. B Rhythm and intonation
Unit 4, Lesson 3, Pg. 044, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 4, Lesson 3, Pg. 044, Listen to take notes
Unit 4, Lesson 4, Pg. 046, Reading.
Unit 4, Lesson 5, Pg. 048, Ex. A Listen to each conversation
Top Notch Pop Song, "A True Life Story"
ox Top Notch Pop Song, "A True Life Story", Karaoke Version
Unit 5, Lesson 0, Pg. 051, Ex. B Photo story
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Pg. 052, Ex. A Pronunciation
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Pg. 053, Ex. A Conversation model
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Pg. 053, Ex. B Rhythm and intonation
Unit 5, Lesson 2, Pg. 054, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 5, Lesson 2, Pg. 054, Ex. B Listen to infer
Unit 5, Lesson 2, Pg. 054, Ex. C Listen to confirm information
Unit 5, Lesson 2, Pg. 055, Ex. A Conversation model
Unit 5, Lesson 2, Pg. 055, Ex. B Rhythm and intonation
Unit 5, Lesson 3, Pg. 056, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 5, Lesson 3, Pg. 056, Reading
Unit 5, Lesson 4, Pg. 058, Ex. A Vocabulary
Unit 5, Lesson 4, Pg. 058, Ex. A Listen for main ideas
Unit 5, Lesson 4, Pg. 058, Ex. B Listen for details
Unit 5, Lesson 5, Pg. 060, Ex. A Listen to the report
Top Notch Pop Song, "Lucky to Be Alive"
Top Notch Pop Song, "Lucky to Be Alive", Karaoke Version